Capitol Photo Interactive

We have all heard the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Well that saying could not be more true in today’s fast paced world! Photography is more important than ever to help brands tell their story, and below we have listed the top five reasons why.

Photographs Help Convey Emotion

Photography has the great ability to convey emotion. A darker contrast can set the mood, a bright room or using more light, can convey happiness, different shades of blues, conveys tranquility. Your images have to easily convey the correct emotion that you want your potential customers to feel.

The First Impression

When potential customers look at your brand, photography is there first impression of your business. When people hear a new business is opening, most of us go to our phones or computers to go on their website. People will make a decision in a matter of minutes if they are going to do business with you, all based on photos.

Photography Adds Value

Good, professional photographs can add value to your brand, but remember a poor quality image can have the opposite effect as well. A professional photography is the easiest way to connect to your potential clients. Yes, you can create great content, an about me page, captions for clients to read but an image takes milliseconds for your clients to connect to your brand.

Create Brand Trust And Recognition

When you consistently have beautiful, high quality photographs, it creates brand trust and recognition. These are the images you want to be displayed over all of your platforms for customers to recognize you, such as your website, logo, email, and social media.

Contact Capitol Photo Interactive Today

For more information about brand photography or to schedule a session, contact Capitol Photo Interactive today at 203-255-4002.

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