Capitol Photo Interactive

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What Can Your Headshot Say About You?

corporate headshot

Every job needs a photo headshot and, if you don’t have one, maybe it’s time to meet a practitioner. The best way to ensure that people know exactly who you are is a headshot picked by a professional photographer. People want to know you at your first encounter and your shot helps them identify the […]

When Do You Need To Update Your Headshot?

corporate headshot

With a snapshot of yourself, your popularity for people on the Internet is greatly increased. It makes it innately safer and more trustworthy to link to. Hopefully, if you’re involved in social media, the numbers are accompanied by a video, rather than a logo. People interact more often with a photography profile than with a brand. It makes the company customized. It reassures them not just another faceless business, but they are doing business with a human. A trustworthy and present headshot can help your potential customers, clients and others interact and recognize automatically. When To Update Your Headshot • Your appearance has changed since your last headshot. Perhaps you have a new hair color or style, have contacts or touch, or perhaps you start looking a little out of date with your final headshot. It might sound obvious, but you really need to look like your headshot […]

Advertise Your Business Using Corporate Headshots

Corporate Headshots

Advertising today is no longer just about getting your name out there. You need to stand out among the crowd by putting your best face forward to make your company or career success. You are the most powerful marking tool on your page, ranging from company websites to business-oriented social media sites such as LinkedIn. […]