Capitol Photo Interactive

For businesses today, photos are crucial. Websites, ads, and brochures all need photography, and it’s important to think carefully about what pictures you’re using as they can help or damage your company or product.

Why Does Authentic Photography Matter?

Stock photos are somewhat generic and we all know a stock photo when we see it, that family with the toothy smiles or the person looking off into the horizon. Customized photos will help you avoid all that. Custom photos really hone in on what makes your company unique.

Your business has grown in its own unique way, developing its own brand and its own message. Using customized photos will allow you to incorporate the company message and values into photos. And once you have that, the photos can be incorporated into any materials you distribute. Remember, it is easier for people to recognize a company when they can associate a certain image with the company.

Customized photos also create a great first impression. When customers first come across your business, a customized photo emphasizes the company’s originality and dedication to showcasing its services or products provided.

Downside To Using Stock Photos
• There are a lot of other companies using stock photography, and they are choosing from the same selection as you. Regardless of how large the selection may be, there is always a chance that you will use the same photo.
• There may not be an image that perfectly illustrates your business or brand.
• Due to the completely generalized nature of stock photos, it can be fairly easy for people to recognize that your image is a stock image.

At Capitol Photo Headshots we are passionate about photography and delivering outstanding results that exceed expectations. For more information contact us today at 203-255-4002.

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