Capitol Photo Interactive

Today there are numerous ways to get yourself out there and on social media. Your image is important and something that contributes to your business as well as your personal brand. One of the most important things to consider is what social media sites you are using and what goals you have for them. For example on LinkedIn you definitely want a professional image that is more of a closeup headshot while a personal Twitter account might allow for something more casual and relaxed and your personal Facebook photo would likely be similar. Your image on social media will be a first impression and it is key to make a good one!

At Capitol Photo Interactive, we have been shooting both headshots and portraits for many years and we have the precise knowledge of what works, but it is also important to project an image that you want to present. We will work with you to create those looks collaboratively so you can have a social media headshot or portrait that works for you.

Once you have new photos, it is key to determine if you want to use different images for different sites or just one for everything. The benefit to using a single photo is that it is consistent, but there may be places you want something more relaxed and fun vs. what your company may want to present you as. For your LinkedIn, you really want a tight headshot that is taken from the shoulders up.

There are a number of other places where it is important to control your image and you should leverage the professional social media headshots or portraits you take in all of them. To schedule your headshot session, contact Capitol Photo Interactive today at 203-255-4002.

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