Capitol Photo Interactive

A good professional business portrait on LinkedIn (and anywhere else) is one of the most effective ways for you to stand out and market yourself. Just having a profile picture alone is enough to make your profile 14 times more likely to be viewed!

Wardrobe Is The Key – When considering what to wear for your headshot, it is best to consider what is appropriate for your industry. Someone in finance or law would probably be expected to wear a suit, while someone in advertising could wear something a little more casual and creative. Think about what you want to communicate about you and your organization. Wear clothes that support rather than distract from your face.

Hair And Makeup – Men and women can both benefit from makeup. Whether it is just getting rid of that annoying shine or using the makeup to dramatize your best features. Tips are delivered by a hair and make-up professional.

Smile – Smile with your whole face putting on a natural smile with your mouth and your eyes. You want to look likable.

Lighting Is Your Friend – Lighting is everything in a photo. Get out of the sun and face the biggest light source available. We show you how to position yourself for the most flattering light.

Chin Up – None of us likes a double chin. Accentuate that jawline by moving your face to the camera.

Look Into The Lens – You want to make a personal connection. This is really no different than meeting someone for the first time. Look directly into their eyes. The eyes truly are “the window to the soul”.

Call us to boost your business and book your executive portrait session today! Let Capitol Photo Headshots help you craft a professional portrait that embodies your confidence and capability. Call us at 203-255-4002 for more information.

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